Anton Shestakov <>, Fri, 16 Jun 2017 15:16:56 +0800
linters: make yamllint also use python_version
In case of Python 3 projects that also have YAML files this can change save
some seconds spent on setting up an extra virtualenv (for Python 2).
Permissions: -rwxr-xr-x
from __future__ import absolute_import from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.options import define, options from tornado.web import Application from candolint import handlers as h, uimodules from candolint.models import database from candolint.utils import rel class CandolintViewer(Application): def __init__(self, debug=False): project_re = r'/([.a-z0-9_-]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)' (project_re, h.ProjectHandler), (project_re + r'/atom', h.AtomHandler), (project_re + r'/(\d+|latest)(?:/(raw))?', h.CheckHandler), (project_re + r'/status\.svg', h.StatusHandler), (r'.*', h.ErrorHandler, {'status_code': 404}) static_path=rel('static'), template_path=rel('templates'), super(CandolintViewer, self).__init__(handlers, **settings) logging.getLogger('peewee').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) database.init(rel('database.sqlite')) def listen(self, port, address='', **kwargs): name = self.__class__.__name__'%s is serving on http://%s:%d/', name, address, port) super(CandolintViewer, self).listen(port, address, **kwargs) define('listen', metavar='IP', default='') define('port', metavar='PORT', default=8033, type=int) define('xheaders', metavar='True|False', default=False, type=bool) define('debug', metavar='True|False', default=False, type=bool) options.parse_command_line() application = CandolintViewer(options.debug) application.listen(options.port, options.listen, xheaders=options.xheaders) if __name__ == '__main__':