Anton Shestakov <>, Tue, 28 Jun 2016 18:52:52 +0800
viewer: setup and clone tasks without errors/warnings are collapsed by default
In addition to errors and warnings, which leave task expanded, target line also
does the same, so sharing a link to a specific line doesn't surprise people by
hiding the line somewhere.
Permissions: -rw-r--r--
from tornado.testing import AsyncHTTPTestCase from candolint.models import database, Project, Change, Check from viewer import CandolintViewer database.init(':memory:') database.create_tables([Project, Change, Check], safe=True) database.connect = Mock() class ViewerTestCase(AsyncHTTPTestCase): response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 200 assert 'online linter' in response.body response = self.fetch('/nobodyhere') assert response.code == 404 assert 'online linter' in response.body