Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>, Sun, 24 Sep 2017 12:25:05 +0800
viewer: use subqueries to get data on index page Before, there were bare columns in the aggregate query, their values were undefined (but it somehow worked), as SQLite docs say. Good news is that now this bigger query uses (project_id, ordinal) index and is really fast.

next change 345:adf85e364e01
previous change 200:51b38a0bdcea


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#!/usr/bin/env python -u
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
import os
from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
from shutil import rmtree
from subprocess import check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError
from tempfile import mkdtemp
import yaml
from candolint.utils import rel, timestamp
def run_ignore_codes(fn, args, codes, **kwargs):
return fn(args, **kwargs)
except CalledProcessError as e:
if e.returncode not in codes:
return e.output
def run(args, silent=False, get_output=False, ignore_codes=None, env=None):
if get_output:
fn = check_output
fn = check_call
if env:
full_env = os.environ.copy()
full_env = None
if not silent:
print('$ ' + ' '.join(args))
if ignore_codes:
result = run_ignore_codes(fn, args, ignore_codes, env=full_env)
result = fn(args, env=full_env)
if get_output:
return result
return True
except Exception as e:
print('# C&O error: {}'.format(e))
return False
def run_git(args, **kwargs):
env = kwargs.pop('env', {})
env.update({'LC_ALL': 'en_US.UTF-8'})
return run(['git'] + args, env=env, **kwargs)
def run_hg(args, **kwargs):
env = kwargs.pop('env', {})
env.update({'HGPLAIN': '1'})
return run(['hg'] + args, env=env, **kwargs)
def read_linter_config(name, path=rel('linters')):
fd = open(os.path.join(path, '{}.yml'.format(name)))
except Exception as e:
print("# C&O couldn't load linter config: {}".format(e))
return None
with fd:
return yaml.safe_load(fd)
except Exception as e:
print("# C&O couldn't parse linter config: {}".format(e))
return None
def read_intree_config():
fd = open('candolint.yml')
except Exception as e:
print("# C&O couldn't load in-tree config: {}".format(e))
return None
with fd:
return yaml.safe_load(fd)
except Exception as e:
print("# C&O couldn't parse in-tree config: {}".format(e))
return None
def prevalidate(config):
ok = True
if 'url' not in config:
print("# C&O config doesn't have 'url' defined.")
ok = False
if 'scm' not in config:
print("# C&O config doesn't have 'scm' defined.")
ok = False
elif config['scm'] not in ('git', 'hg'):
print("# C&O checker doesn't support {} yet.".format(config['scm']))
ok = False
return ok
def combined(a, b):
if a and b:
result = a.copy()
result = a or b
return result
def process_config(lc, pc):
c = {
'env': combined(lc.get('env'), pc.get('env')),
'vars': combined(lc.get('vars', {}), pc.get('vars', {})),
'codes': lc.get('codes', (1,))
def render(items):
return [item % c['vars'] for item in items]
for key in ('flags', 'post_flags'):
c[key] = render(lc.get(key, []) + pc.get(key, []))
c['setup'] = [render(steps) for steps in lc.get('setup', [])]
c['exec'] = render(lc['exec'])
c['version'] = render(lc['version'])
return c
def git_clone(url, dest):
return run_git(['clone', url, dest])
def hg_clone(url, dest):
return run_hg(['clone', url, dest])
def git_checkout(commit):
return run_git(['checkout', commit])
def hg_update(commit):
return run_hg(['update', commit])
def git_status():
return run_git(['status'])
def hg_summary():
return run_hg(['summary'])
def git_show():
template = (r'# C&O commit: %H%n'
r'# C&O commit ref names: %D%n'
r'# C&O commit date: %ai%n'
r'# C&O commit author: %aN%n'
r'# C&O commit message: %s%n')
return run_git(['show', '-q', '--format=format:' + template], silent=True)
def hg_log():
template = (r'# C&O commit: {rev}:{node}\n'
r'# C&O commit branch: {branch}\n'
r'# C&O commit date: {date|isodatesec}\n'
r'# C&O commit author: {author|person}\n'
r'# C&O commit message: {desc|firstline}\n')
return run_hg(['log', '-r', '.', '-T', template], silent=True)
def git_files(include, exclude):
cmd = ['ls-files']
files = run_git(cmd, silent=True, get_output=True)
if files is not False:
files = files.splitlines()
for e in exclude:
files = [f for f in files if not fnmatchcase(f, e)]
return files
def hg_files(include, exclude):
cmd = ['files']
for pat in include:
cmd.extend(('-I', pat))
for pat in exclude:
cmd.extend(('-X', pat))
files = run_hg(cmd, silent=True, get_output=True, ignore_codes=(1,))
if files is not False:
files = files.splitlines()
return files
def execute(tmp, config, args):
if not prevalidate(config):
return False
source = './source'
print('# C&O task: clone')
print('# C&O project URL: {}'.format(config['url']))
if config['scm'] == 'git':
if not git_clone(config['url'], source):
return False
elif config['scm'] == 'hg':
if not hg_clone(config['url'], source):
return False
print('$ cd {}'.format(source))
if args.commit is not None:
if config['scm'] == 'git':
if not git_checkout(args.commit):
return False
elif config['scm'] == 'hg':
if not hg_update(args.commit):
return False
if config['scm'] == 'git':
if not git_status():
return False
elif config['scm'] == 'hg':
if not hg_summary():
return False
if config['scm'] == 'git':
if not git_show():
return False
elif config['scm'] == 'hg':
if not hg_log():
return False
print('# C&O task: setup')
if args.data is not None:
intree = read_intree_config()
if intree is not None:
print('# C&O using in-tree config')
print('# C&O in-tree config is required while bootstrapping')
return False
print('# C&O not using in-tree config')
linters = []
distinct = []
for linter in config.get('linters', []):
if 'name' not in linter:
print("# C&O skipping linter without 'name': {}".format(linter))
name = linter['name']
if 'include' not in linter:
print("# C&O skipping '{}': no 'include' in config".format(name))
if name not in distinct:
linter_config = {}
for name in distinct:
if name in linter_config:
lc = read_linter_config(name)
if lc is None:
print("# C&O skipping '{}': no config".format(name))
if 'exec' not in lc:
print("# C&O skipping '{}': no 'exec' in config".format(name))
linter_config[name] = lc
installing = [name for name in distinct if name in linter_config]
print('# C&O installing linters: {}'.format(' '.join(installing)))
installed = []
setup_cache = set()
for linter in linters:
name = linter['name']
if name not in linter_config:
lc = process_config(linter_config[name], linter)
key = (name, str(lc.get('setup', [])))
if key in setup_cache:
for item in lc.get('setup', []):
if not run(item):
return False
if 'version' in lc:
if not run(lc['exec'] + lc['version'], env=lc['env']):
return False
if name not in installed:
print('# C&O linters installed: {}'.format(' '.join(installed)))
print('# C&O task: checks')
for linter in linters:
name = linter['name']
if name not in linter_config:
if config['scm'] == 'git':
files = git_files(linter['include'], linter.get('exclude', []))
elif config['scm'] == 'hg':
files = hg_files(linter['include'], linter.get('exclude', []))
if files is False:
return False
lc = process_config(linter_config[name], linter)
for f in files:
cmd = lc['exec'] + lc['flags'] + [f] + lc['post_flags']
if not run(cmd, ignore_codes=lc['codes'], env=lc['env']):
return False
return True
def wrapper(config, args):
print('# C&O job started: {}'.format(timestamp()))
tmp = mkdtemp(prefix='candolint.')
if not execute(tmp, config, args):
print('# C&O job failed')
print('# C&O task: cleanup')
print('# C&O job finished: {}'.format(timestamp()))
def bad_exit():
print('# C&O job failed (exception not caught)')
print('# C&O job finished: {}'.format(timestamp()))
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser()
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
'--config', metavar='FILE', type=FileType('r'),
help='project configuration file (YAML)')
'--data', metavar='YAML',
help='bootstrapping data as a YAML string')
parser.add_argument('--commit', help='a commit to update to')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.data is not None:
config = yaml.safe_load(args.data)
config = yaml.safe_load(args.config)
wrapper(config, args)
if __name__ == '__main__':