Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>, Mon, 18 Jul 2016 19:17:30 +0800
rollbot: split a long line

next change 28:7f7fdce01952
previous change 26:a24aee2294c6


Permissions: -rw-r--r--

Other formats: Feeds:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import cgi
import logging
import random
import re
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType, SUPPRESS
import yaml
import sleekxmpp
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
from sleekxmpp.util.misc_ops import setdefaultencoding
def simple_markup(string):
plain = ''
html = ''
tagre = re.compile(r'\{(\w+)\}(.*?)\{/\1\}')
plain = tagre.sub(r'\2', string)
def get_replacement(match):
code = match.group(1)
text = match.group(2)
codes = {
'B': 'color: blue;',
'G': 'color: green;',
'i': 'font-style: italic;',
't': 'font-family: monospace;'
style = codes.get(code, '')
return '<span style="{}">{}</span>'.format(style, text)
html = tagre.sub(get_replacement, cgi.escape(string))
return plain, html
class Command(object):
name = 'command'
def __init__(self, rollbot):
self.rollbot = rollbot
def usage(self):
return '(no help available, try experimenting)'
class Roll(Command):
name = 'roll'
regex = re.compile('^(?P<times>\d+)?d(?P<sides>\d+)$', re.IGNORECASE)
def usage(self):
return (
'{t}%s <X>D<Y>{/t} to roll {t}Y{/t}-sided die {t}X{/t} times,'
' if {t}X{/t} is 1 it can be omitted' % self.name)
def respond(self, words, message):
if len(words) == 2:
match = self.regex.match(words[1])
if match is not None:
times = match.group('times')
if times is None:
times = 1
times = int(times)
sides = int(match.group('sides'))
if times > 0 and sides > 1:
rolls, total = self.roll(times, sides)
return self.format(rolls, total)
return '%s usage: %s' % (self.name, self.usage())
def roll(self, times, sides):
results = [random.randint(1, sides) for i in range(times)]
total = sum(results)
return results, total
def format(self, rolls, total):
if len(rolls) == 1:
return '{G}%d{/G}' % total
sequence = ' + '.join('{B}%d{/B}' % r for r in rolls)
return '(%s) = {G}%d{/G}' % (sequence, total)
class Flip(Command):
name = 'flip'
def usage(self):
return '{t}%s{/t} {i}or{/i} {t}%s <1st-option>[ or] <2nd-option>{/t}' % (self.name, self.name)
def respond(self, words, message):
if len(words) == 1:
option = self.flip(('heads', 'tails'))
elif len(words) == 3:
option = self.flip(words[1:])
elif len(words) == 4 and words[2].lower() == 'or':
option = self.flip((words[1], words[3]))
return '%s usage: %s' % (self.name, self.usage())
return self.format(option)
def flip(self, options):
return random.choice(options)
def format(self, option):
return '{G}%s{/G}' % option
class Help(Command):
name = 'help'
def usage(self):
return '{t}%s{/t} {i}or{/i} {t}%s <command>{/t}' % (self.name, self.name)
def respond(self, words, message):
if len(words) == 2:
cmdname = words[1]
if cmdname in self.rollbot.commands:
command = self.rollbot.commands[cmdname]
return '%s usage: %s' % (command.name, command.usage())
return 'no such command: %s' % cmdname
elif len(words) == 1:
cmds = ' '.join(sorted(self.rollbot.commands.keys()))
return 'available commands: %s' % cmds
return '%s usage: %s' % (self.name, self.usage())
class RollBot(sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP):
def __init__(self, jid, password, nick, prefix):
sleekxmpp.ClientXMPP.__init__(self, jid, password)
self.nick = nick
self.prefix = prefix
self.commands = {}
self.add_event_handler('session_start', self.start)
self.add_event_handler('message', self.message)
self.add_event_handler('groupchat_message', self.muc_message)
self.add_event_handler('groupchat_invite', self.muc_invite)
self.add_event_handler('groupchat_direct_invite', self.muc_direct_invite)
def add_command(self, commandcls):
self.commands[commandcls.name] = commandcls(self)
def start(self, event):
def message(self, msg):
if msg['type'] not in ('chat', 'normal'):
mbody = msg['body'].lstrip()
if mbody.startswith(self.prefix):
mbody = mbody[len(self.prefix):]
mbody = mbody.lstrip(' ')
rbody, rxbody = self.respond(mbody)
if rbody:
msg['html']['body'] = rxbody
def muc_message(self, msg):
if msg['mucnick'] == self.nick:
mbody = msg['body'].lstrip()
if mbody.startswith(self.nick):
mbody = mbody[len(self.nick):]
elif mbody.startswith(self.prefix):
mbody = mbody[len(self.prefix):]
mbody = mbody.lstrip(':, ')
rbody, rxbody = self.respond(mbody)
if rbody:
rbody = '%s: %s' % (msg['mucnick'], rbody)
rxbody = '%s: %s' % (cgi.escape(msg['mucnick']), rxbody)
msg['html']['body'] = rxbody
def muc_invite(self, invite):
room = invite['from']
# https://github.com/fritzy/SleekXMPP/issues/409
ns = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user'
pel = invite.find('{%(ns)s}x/{%(ns)s}password' % {'ns': ns})
password = pel.text if pel is not None else ''
self.plugin['xep_0045'].joinMUC(room, self.nick, password=password, wait=True)
def muc_direct_invite(self, invite):
room = invite['groupchat_invite']['jid']
password = invite['groupchat_invite']['password']
self.plugin['xep_0045'].joinMUC(room, self.nick, password=password, wait=True)
def respond(self, message, prefix=None):
plain = ''
html = ''
words = message.split()
if words:
cmdname = words[0].lower()
if cmdname in self.commands:
command = self.commands[cmdname]
response = command.respond(words, message)
plain, html = simple_markup(response)
return plain, html
def lookup(key, args, config, default=None):
if hasattr(args, key):
return getattr(args, key)
return config.get(key, default)
def main():
parser = ArgumentParser(argument_default=SUPPRESS)
'-c', '--config', type=FileType('r'),
help='configuration file (YAML)')
group = parser.add_argument_group(
'main configuration',
'options that can also be specified in the configuration file')
group.add_argument('-j', '--jid', help='JID to use')
group.add_argument('-p', '--password', help='password to use')
group.add_argument('-n', '--nick', help='MUC nickname (default: rollbot)')
group.add_argument('--prefix', help='command prefix (default: !)')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
extra = dict(action='store_const', dest='loglevel', default=logging.INFO)
group.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', help='set logging to ERROR', const=logging.ERROR, **extra)
group.add_argument('-d', '--debug', help='set logging to DEBUG', const=logging.DEBUG, **extra)
args = parser.parse_args()
config = yaml.safe_load(args.config) if hasattr(args, 'config') else {}
jid = lookup('jid', args, config)
password = lookup('password', args, config)
nick = lookup('nick', args, config, default='rollbot')
prefix = lookup('prefix', args, config, default='!')
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
rollbot = RollBot(jid, password, nick, prefix)
rollbot.auto_authorize = True
rollbot.auto_subscribe = True
rollbot.register_plugin('xep_0030') # Service Discovery
rollbot.register_plugin('xep_0045') # Multi-User Chat
rollbot.register_plugin('xep_0092') # Software Version
rollbot.register_plugin('xep_0199') # XMPP Ping
rollbot.register_plugin('xep_0249') # Direct MUC Invitations
if rollbot.connect():
logging.info('RollBot connected')
logging.info('RollBot disconnected')
logging.fatal("RollBot couldn't connect")
if __name__ == '__main__':