Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>, Thu, 14 Apr 2016 02:05:24 +0800
index: remove offline contacts only when they change to being offline Since new contacts are currently added while they still have the default presence of 'unavailable', add event sees them as offline and throws them away immediately, before their presence could change to something else.

next change 152:6f87b9997c10
previous change 150:604052f25fdc


Permissions: -rw-r--r--

Other formats: Feeds:
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
var $form, ConnectionData, connectfn, getChat, getClientInfo, getContact, getContactProfile, getServerInfo, getServerVersion, getStamp, getText, onChatMessage, onChatState, onConnected, onDisconnected, onGetLast, onGetTime, onGetVersion, onPing, onPresence, onWebRTC, sendMessage,
indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; },
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
Strophe.addNamespace('CAPS', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/caps');
Strophe.addNamespace('CHATSTATES', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates');
Strophe.addNamespace('DELAY', 'urn:xmpp:delay');
Strophe.addNamespace('LAST', 'jabber:iq:last');
Strophe.addNamespace('TIME', 'urn:xmpp:time');
window.contacts = new Tram.Contacts();
window.contactsApp = new Tram.ContactsApp({
el: $('[data-app="contacts"]'),
collection: contacts
window.calls = new Tram.Calls();
window.callsApp = new Tram.CallsApp({
el: $('[data-app="calls"]'),
collection: calls
window.clientState = new Tram.ClientState();
window.faviconApp = new Tram.FaviconApp({
model: clientState
window.sidebarApp = new Tram.SidebarApp({
el: $('[data-app="sidebar"]'),
model: clientState
window.progressApp = new Tram.ProgressApp({
el: $('[data-app="progress"]'),
model: clientState
window.chats = {};
window.capscache = {};
window.vcardcache = {};
contacts.on('change:show', function(model) {
if (model.get('type') === 'self') {
return clientState.set('show', model.get('show'));
contacts.on('change:chatstate/self', function(model, cs) {
var msg, ref, ref1;
if (ref = Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES, indexOf.call((ref1 = model != null ? model.get('features') : void 0) != null ? ref1 : [], ref) >= 0) {
msg = $msg({
to: model.get('jid'),
from: X.conn.jid,
type: 'chat'
}).c(cs, {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES
return X.conn.send(msg.tree());
contacts.on('change:presence', function(model) {
var c, dupes, offline;
dupes = contacts.where({
bjid: model.get('bjid')
offline = (function() {
var i, len, results;
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = dupes.length; i < len; i++) {
c = dupes[i];
if (c.get('presence') === 'unavailable') {
return results;
if (offline.length === dupes.length) {
offline = (function() {
var i, len, results;
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = offline.length; i < len; i++) {
c = offline[i];
if (c.get('jid') !== model.get('jid')) {
return results;
return contacts.remove(offline);
clientState.on('action/show', function(show, status) {
return X.sendPresence({
show: show,
status: status,
priority: 1
clientState.on('action/disconnect', function() {
return X.disconnect('Logged out');
clientState.on('change:contact', function() {
var $logs, contact, ref;
if ((ref = clientState.previous('contact')) != null) {
ref.set('chatstate/self', 'inactive');
contact = clientState.get('contact');
if (contact != null) {
contact.set('chatstate/self', 'active');
$logs = $('[data-app="logs"]');
return $('[data-form="send"]').toggleClass('uk-hidden', contact == null);
onConnected = function() {
X.conn.addHandler(onPresence, null, 'presence');
X.conn.addHandler(onChatMessage, null, 'message', 'chat');
X.conn.addHandler(onChatState, Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES, 'message');
X.conn.addHandler(onWebRTC, Tram.NS.WEBRTC, 'message', 'chat');
X.conn.addHandler(onGetLast, Strophe.NS.LAST, 'iq', 'get');
X.conn.addHandler(onGetTime, Strophe.NS.TIME, 'iq', 'get');
X.conn.addHandler(onGetVersion, Strophe.NS.VERSION, 'iq', 'get');
X.conn.disco.addIdentity('client', 'web', Tram.info.client);
status: 'Online',
priority: 1
return X.conn.roster.get();
onDisconnected = function() {
return location.reload();
getStamp = function(stanza) {
var delay, ref;
delay = stanza.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.DELAY, 'delay')[0];
return new Date((ref = delay != null ? delay.getAttribute('stamp') : void 0) != null ? ref : Date.now());
getText = function(el) {
var i, len, node, ref, str;
if (!el) {
return null;
str = '';
if (el.childNodes.length === 0 && el.nodeType === Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {
str += el.nodeValue;
ref = el.childNodes;
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
node = ref[i];
if (node.nodeType === Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {
str += node.nodeValue;
return str;
getServerVersion = function() {
var failcb, iq, okcb;
iq = $iq({
type: 'get',
id: X.conn.getUniqueId('version'),
to: X.conn.domain
}).c('query', {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.VERSION
okcb = function(stanza) {
return clientState.set({
'server/name': getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('name')[0]),
'server/version': getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('version')[0]),
'server/os': getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('os')[0])
failcb = function(stanza) {
return console.error("couldn't get version", stanza != null ? stanza.innerHTML : void 0);
return X.conn.sendIQ(iq.tree(), okcb, failcb, 5000);
onGetLast = function(stanza) {
var from, id, iq;
id = stanza.getAttribute('id');
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
iq = $iq({
to: from,
type: 'result',
id: id
}).c('query', {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.LAST,
seconds: '0'
return true;
onGetTime = function(stanza) {
var from, id, iq, now;
now = moment();
id = stanza.getAttribute('id');
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
iq = $iq({
to: from,
type: 'result',
id: id
}).c('time', {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.TIME
return true;
onGetVersion = function(stanza) {
var from, id, iq;
id = stanza.getAttribute('id');
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
iq = $iq({
to: from,
type: 'result',
id: id
}).c('query', {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.VERSION
return true;
onPing = function(stanza) {
return true;
getChat = function(jid) {
return chats[jid] != null ? chats[jid] : chats[jid] = new Tram.LogApp({
collection: new Tram.Messages()
getContact = function(from, node, ver) {
var bjid, contact, self;
contact = contacts.get(from);
if (contact != null) {
return contact;
self = from === X.conn.jid;
if (self) {
contacts.each(function(model) {
return model.set('type', 'contact');
bjid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from);
contact = contacts.add({
jid: from,
bjid: bjid,
type: self ? 'self' : 'contact'
contact.chat = getChat(bjid);
contact.on('action/chat', function() {
return clientState.set('contact', contact);
contact.on('action/authorize', function() {
return X.conn.roster.authorize(contact.get('bjid'));
contact.on('action/unauthorize', function() {
return contacts.remove(contact);
contact.on('action/remove', function() {
if (X.conn.roster.findItem(contact.get('bjid'))) {
return X.conn.roster.remove(contact.get('bjid'), function() {
return contacts.remove(contact);
} else {
return contacts.remove(contact);
contact.w = new Tram.WebRTCInterface(contact);
contact.on('action/call', function(media) {
contact.set('callstate', 'outgoing');
return contact.w.init(true, {
audio: indexOf.call(media, 'a') >= 0,
video: indexOf.call(media, 'v') >= 0
contact.on('action/accept', function(media) {
return contact.w.init(false, {
audio: indexOf.call(media, 'a') >= 0,
video: indexOf.call(media, 'v') >= 0
contact.on('action/decline action/hangup', function() {
return contact.unset('callstate');
if (Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from) != null) {
getClientInfo(contact, node, ver);
return contact;
getContactProfile = function(contact) {
var bjid, data, failcb, okcb;
bjid = contact.get('bjid');
if (bjid === Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(X.conn.jid)) {
bjid = null;
if (vcardcache[bjid] != null) {
data = vcardcache[bjid];
if (data.avatar == null) {
okcb = function(stanza) {
var avatar, vcard;
vcard = stanza.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.VCARD, 'vCard')[0];
if (vcard == null) {
console.warn("no vcard in response", stanza);
data = {
nickname: getText(vcard.querySelector('NICKNAME')),
fullname: getText(vcard.querySelector('FN')),
firstname: getText(vcard.querySelector('N > GIVEN')),
lastname: getText(vcard.querySelector('N > FAMILY'))
avatar = {
mime: getText(vcard.querySelector('PHOTO > TYPE')),
data: getText(vcard.querySelector('PHOTO > BINVAL'))
if (avatar.mime && avatar.data) {
data.avatar = avatar;
vcardcache[bjid] = data;
if (data.avatar == null) {
return contact.unset('avatar');
failcb = function(stanza) {
return console.warn("couldn't get vcard", stanza);
return X.conn.vcard.get(okcb, bjid, failcb);
getClientInfo = function(contact, node, ver) {
var clientId, failcb, jid, okcb;
jid = contact.get('jid');
if ((node != null) && (ver != null)) {
clientId = node + "#" + ver;
if (capscache[clientId] != null) {
return contact.set('features', capscache[clientId]);
okcb = function(stanza) {
var el, features;
features = (function() {
var i, len, ref, results;
ref = stanza.getElementsByTagName('feature');
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
el = ref[i];
return results;
contact.set('features', features);
if (clientId != null) {
return capscache[clientId] = features;
failcb = function(stanza) {
return console.warn("couldn't get client info", stanza);
return X.conn.disco.info(jid, clientId, okcb, failcb, 5000);
getServerInfo = function() {
var caps, failcb, node, okcb, serverId, ver;
caps = X.conn.features.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.CAPS, 'c')[0];
node = caps != null ? caps.getAttribute('node') : void 0;
ver = caps != null ? caps.getAttribute('ver') : void 0;
if ((node != null) && (ver != null)) {
serverId = node + "#" + ver;
if (capscache[serverId] != null) {
return clientState.set('server/features', capscache[serverId]);
okcb = function(stanza) {
var el, features;
features = (function() {
var i, len, ref, results;
ref = stanza.getElementsByTagName('feature');
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
el = ref[i];
return results;
clientState.set('server/features', features);
return capscache[serverId] = features;
failcb = function(stanza) {
return console.warn("couldn't get server info", stanza);
return X.conn.disco.info(X.conn.domain, serverId, okcb, failcb, 5000);
onPresence = function(stanza) {
var caps, contact, from, node, priority, ref, show, stamp, status, type, ver;
type = (ref = stanza.getAttribute('type')) != null ? ref : 'available';
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
switch (type) {
case 'unsubscribe':
return true;
case 'subscribed':
return true;
case 'unsubscribed':
return true;
case 'error':
console.error('got <presence type="error">', stanza);
return true;
caps = stanza.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.CAPS, 'c')[0];
ver = caps != null ? caps.getAttribute('ver') : void 0;
node = caps != null ? caps.getAttribute('node') : void 0;
contact = getContact(from, node, ver);
show = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('show')[0]);
status = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('status')[0]);
priority = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('priority')[0]);
switch (type) {
case 'available':
if (show == null) {
show = 'online';
if (priority == null) {
priority = '0';
case 'unavailable':
show = 'offline';
priority = '0';
presence: type,
show: show,
status: status,
priority: priority
if (type === 'unavailable') {
if ((type === 'available' || type === 'unavailable') && contact.get('type') !== 'self') {
stamp = getStamp(stanza);
id: stanza.getAttribute('id'),
type: 'presence',
cls: 'presence',
from: from,
stamp: stamp,
contact: contact,
presence: type,
show: show,
status: status,
priority: priority,
text: status != null ? status : "is now " + show
return true;
onChatMessage = function(stanza) {
var body, contact, from, html, stamp, text, type, xhtml;
text = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]);
xhtml = stanza.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.XHTML_IM, 'html')[0];
if (!(text || xhtml)) {
return true;
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
type = stanza.getAttribute('type');
stamp = getStamp(stanza);
contact = getContact(from);
if ((xhtml != null) && X.conn.roster.findItem(contact.get('bjid'))) {
body = xhtml.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.XHTML, 'body')[0];
html = Strophe.createHtml(body).innerHTML;
id: stanza.getAttribute('id'),
type: type,
cls: type,
to: stanza.getAttribute('to'),
from: from,
stamp: stamp,
contact: contact,
thread: getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('thread')[0]),
subject: getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('subject')[0]),
text: text,
html: html
return true;
onChatState = function(stanza) {
var contact, elements, from;
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
contact = getContact(from);
elements = stanza.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES, '*');
if (elements[0] != null) {
contact.set('chatstate', elements[0].tagName.toLowerCase());
return true;
onWebRTC = function(stanza) {
var contact, from, intent, payload, stamp;
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
contact = getContact(from);
intent = stanza.getElementsByTagNameNS(Tram.NS.WEBRTC, 'intent')[0];
payload = stanza.getElementsByTagNameNS(Tram.NS.WEBRTC, 'payload')[0];
stamp = getStamp(stanza);
if (intent != null) {
switch (getText(intent)) {
case 'initiate':
contact.set('callstate', 'incoming');
id: stanza.getAttribute('id'),
type: 'call',
cls: 'call',
from: from,
stamp: stamp,
contact: contact,
text: 'incoming call'
case 'terminate':
if (payload != null) {
return true;
window.X = new Tram.XMPPInterface();
X.on('connecting', function() {
return connData.unset('auth-errors');
X.on('authfail', function() {
return connData.set('auth-errors', ['Invalid username or password.']);
X.on('disconnected', function() {
return onDisconnected();
X.on('connected attached', function() {
return onConnected();
X.on('status', function(status) {
switch (status) {
case Strophe.Status.CONNECTING:
return clientState.set('progress', 0);
case Strophe.Status.CONNECTED:
return clientState.set('progress', 100);
return clientState.unset('progress');
$(window).on('beforeunload unload', function() {
return X.disconnect('Window closed');
ConnectionData = (function(superClass) {
extend(ConnectionData, superClass);
function ConnectionData() {
return ConnectionData.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
ConnectionData.prototype.defaults = {
username: '',
password: ''
ConnectionData.prototype.validate = function(attrs, options) {
var ref, ref1;
if (((ref = attrs.username) != null ? ref : '').trim() === '') {
this.set('username-errors', ['This field is required.']);
if (((ref1 = attrs.password) != null ? ref1 : '') === '') {
this.set('password-errors', ['This field is required.']);
return this.has('username-errors') || this.has('password-errors');
return ConnectionData;
window.connData = new ConnectionData();
connectfn = function() {
if (connData.isValid()) {
return X.connect(connData.get('username').trim(), connData.get('password'));
$form = $('[data-form="connect"]');
window.connRivet = rivets.bind($form.get(0), {
data: connData,
connect: connectfn
$form.find('input').on('keydown', function(e) {
var $next, index;
if ((!this.required || this.value !== '') && e.keyCode === 13) {
index = $form.find('input').index(this);
$next = $form.find('input').eq(index + 1);
if ($next.length !== 0) {
return $next.focus();
} else {
return $form.find('button').trigger('click');
sendMessage = function() {
var contact, msg, ref, ref1, text;
text = $('#msg').val();
if (text !== '' && clientState.has('contact')) {
contact = clientState.get('contact');
msg = $msg({
to: contact.get('jid'),
from: X.conn.jid,
type: 'chat'
if (ref = Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES, indexOf.call((ref1 = contact.get('features')) != null ? ref1 : [], ref) >= 0) {
msg.c('active', {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES
contact.set('chatstate/self', 'active', {
silent: true
type: 'chat',
cls: 'self',
from: X.conn.jid,
to: contact.get('jid'),
stamp: new Date(),
contact: contacts.findWhere({
type: 'self'
text: text
return $('#msg').val('');
$('[data-send-button]').on('click', sendMessage);
$('#msg').on('keypress', function(e) {
var ref;
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
return sendMessage();
} else {
return (ref = clientState.get('contact')) != null ? ref.set('chatstate/self', 'composing') : void 0;
$('#msg').on('blur', function() {
var ref, ref1;
if (((ref = clientState.get('contact')) != null ? ref.get('chatstate/self') : void 0) === 'composing') {
return (ref1 = clientState.get('contact')) != null ? ref1.set('chatstate/self', 'paused') : void 0;
$('[data-add-button]').on('click', function() {
var jid;
jid = $('#new-contact').val().trim();
if (jid === '') {
if (indexOf.call(jid, '@') < 0) {
jid = jid + "@" + Tram.config.domain;
return X.conn.roster.add(jid, null, [], function() {
return X.conn.roster.subscribe(jid, 'I want to chat', null);
$('#new-contact').on('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
return $('[data-add-button]').trigger('click');
$('[data-unregister-button]').on('click', function() {
return X.unregister();
$('#profile-modal').one('show.uk.modal', function() {
return window.profileRivet = rivets.bind($('[data-app="profile"]'), {
contact: contacts.get(X.conn.jid)
window.setInterval(function() {
return $('time[datetime]').each(function() {
var $this;
$this = $(this);
return $this.text(moment($this.attr('datetime')).fromNow());
}, 15 * 1000);
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map