Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>, Sat, 16 Sep 2017 22:29:17 +0800
Make: use npm update for devel target package.json says we want coffee-script >= 1.6.1, so that's what `make devel` should install (the newest version): since .js source is tracked, there's no risk of running into breaking changes in coffee-script outside of test environment. But running into such changes during tests is OK and even potentially desirable.

previous change 236:7e7d68a03bad


Permissions: -rw-r--r--

Other formats: Feeds:
class window.Tram.SidebarApp extends Backbone.View
colors: Tram.colors.show
initialize: ->
getPipColor: (show) =>
"background: #{ @colors[show] || @colors['default'] };"
minify: =>
minified = not @model.get('sidebar/minified')
@model.set('sidebar/minified', minified)
@$el.parent().toggleClass('mini', minified)
show: (event) =>
$btn = $(event.currentTarget)
show = $btn.attr('data-show')
status = $btn.text().trim()
@model.trigger('action/show', show, status)
disconnect: =>
render: ->
@rivet = rivets.bind(@el, model: @model, view: @)
remove: ->