Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>, Sun, 10 Apr 2016 15:39:28 +0800
index: discover client features of contacts (XEP-0030 and XEP-0115)

next change 129:f4a7be6113af
previous change 127:d4f269052483


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Other formats: Feeds:
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.10.0
(function() {
var $form, ConnectionData, connectfn, getChat, getClientInfo, getContact, getContactProfile, getText, getVersion, onChatMessage, onChatState, onConnected, onDisconnected, onGetLast, onGetTime, onGetVersion, onPing, onPresence, onProfileUpdate, onWebRTC, sendMessage,
indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; },
extend = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (hasProp.call(parent, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; },
hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
Strophe.addNamespace('CAPS', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/caps');
Strophe.addNamespace('CHATSTATES', 'http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates');
Strophe.addNamespace('LAST', 'jabber:iq:last');
Strophe.addNamespace('TIME', 'urn:xmpp:time');
Strophe.addNamespace('VCARD_UPDATE', 'vcard-temp:x:update');
window.contacts = new Tram.Contacts();
window.contactsApp = new Tram.ContactsApp({
el: $('[data-app="contacts"]'),
collection: contacts
window.calls = new Tram.Calls();
window.callsApp = new Tram.CallsApp({
el: $('[data-app="calls"]'),
collection: calls
window.clientState = new Tram.ClientState();
window.faviconApp = new Tram.FaviconApp({
model: clientState
window.sidebarApp = new Tram.SidebarApp({
el: $('[data-app="sidebar"]'),
model: clientState
window.progressApp = new Tram.ProgressApp({
el: $('[data-app="progress"]'),
model: clientState
window.chats = {};
window.capscache = {};
contacts.on('change:show', function(model) {
if (model.get('type') === 'self') {
return clientState.set('show', model.get('show'));
clientState.on('action/show', function(show, status) {
return X.sendPresence({
show: show,
status: status,
priority: 1
clientState.on('action/disconnect', function() {
return X.disconnect('Logged out');
clientState.on('change:contact', function() {
var $logs, contact;
contact = clientState.get('contact');
$logs = $('[data-app="logs"]');
return $('[data-form="send"]').toggleClass('uk-hidden', !clientState.has('contact'));
onConnected = function() {
X.conn.addHandler(onPresence, null, 'presence');
X.conn.addHandler(onProfileUpdate, Strophe.NS.VCARD_UPDATE, 'presence');
X.conn.addHandler(onChatMessage, null, 'message', 'chat');
X.conn.addHandler(onChatState, Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES, 'message');
X.conn.addHandler(onWebRTC, Tram.NS.WEBRTC, 'message', 'chat');
X.conn.addHandler(onGetLast, Strophe.NS.LAST, 'iq', 'get');
X.conn.addHandler(onGetTime, Strophe.NS.TIME, 'iq', 'get');
X.conn.addHandler(onGetVersion, Strophe.NS.VERSION, 'iq', 'get');
X.conn.disco.addIdentity('client', 'web', Tram.info.client);
status: 'Online',
priority: 1
return X.conn.roster.get();
onDisconnected = function() {
return location.reload();
getText = function(el) {
var i, len, node, ref, str;
if (!el) {
return null;
str = '';
if (el.childNodes.length === 0 && el.nodeType === Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {
str += el.nodeValue;
ref = el.childNodes;
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
node = ref[i];
if (node.nodeType === Strophe.ElementType.TEXT) {
str += node.nodeValue;
return str;
getVersion = function() {
var failcb, iq, okcb;
iq = $iq({
type: 'get',
id: X.conn.getUniqueId('version'),
to: Tram.config.domain
}).c('query', {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.VERSION
okcb = function(stanza) {
var name, os, version;
name = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('name')[0]);
version = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('version')[0]);
os = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('os')[0]);
return clientState.set({
'server/name': name,
'server/version': version,
'server/os': os
failcb = function(stanza) {
return console.error("couldn't get version", stanza != null ? stanza.innerHTML : void 0);
return X.conn.sendIQ(iq.tree(), okcb, failcb, 5000);
onGetLast = function(stanza) {
var from, id, iq;
id = stanza.getAttribute('id');
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
iq = $iq({
to: from,
type: 'result',
id: id
}).c('query', {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.VERSION,
seconds: '0'
return true;
onGetTime = function(stanza) {
var from, id, iq, now;
now = moment();
id = stanza.getAttribute('id');
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
iq = $iq({
to: from,
type: 'result',
id: id
}).c('time', {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.TIME
return true;
onGetVersion = function(stanza) {
var from, id, iq;
id = stanza.getAttribute('id');
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
iq = $iq({
to: from,
type: 'result',
id: id
}).c('query', {
xmlns: Strophe.NS.VERSION
return true;
onPing = function(stanza) {
return true;
getChat = function(jid) {
return chats[jid] != null ? chats[jid] : chats[jid] = new Tram.LogApp({
collection: new Tram.Messages()
getContact = function(from, node, ver) {
var bjid, contact, self;
contact = contacts.get(from);
if (contact != null) {
return contact;
self = from === X.conn.jid;
if (self) {
contacts.each(function(model) {
return model.set('type', 'contact');
bjid = Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(from);
contact = contacts.add({
jid: from,
bjid: bjid,
type: self ? 'self' : 'contact'
contact.chat = getChat(bjid);
contact.on('action/chat', function() {
return clientState.set('contact', contact);
contact.on('action/authorize', function() {
return X.conn.roster.authorize(contact.get('bjid'));
contact.on('action/unauthorize', function() {
return contacts.remove(contact);
contact.on('action/remove', function() {
if (X.conn.roster.findItem(contact.get('bjid'))) {
return X.conn.roster.remove(contact.get('bjid'), function() {
return contacts.remove(contact);
} else {
return contacts.remove(contact);
contact.w = new Tram.WebRTCInterface(contact);
contact.on('action/call', function(media) {
contact.set('callstate', 'outgoing');
return contact.w.init(true, {
audio: indexOf.call(media, 'a') >= 0,
video: indexOf.call(media, 'v') >= 0
contact.on('action/accept', function(media) {
return contact.w.init(false, {
audio: indexOf.call(media, 'a') >= 0,
video: indexOf.call(media, 'v') >= 0
contact.on('action/decline action/hangup', function() {
return contact.unset('callstate');
if (Strophe.getResourceFromJid(from) != null) {
getClientInfo(contact, node, ver);
return contact;
getContactProfile = function(contact) {
var bjid, failcb, okcb;
okcb = function(stanza) {
var data, mime, vcard;
vcard = stanza.getElementsByTagName('vCard')[0];
if (!vcard) {
console.warn("no vcard in response", stanza);
nickname: getText(vcard.querySelector('NICKNAME')),
fullname: getText(vcard.querySelector('FN')),
firstname: getText(vcard.querySelector('N > GIVEN')),
lastname: getText(vcard.querySelector('N > FAMILY'))
mime = getText(vcard.querySelector('PHOTO > TYPE'));
data = getText(vcard.querySelector('PHOTO > BINVAL'));
if (mime && data) {
return contact.set('avatar', {
mime: mime,
data: data
} else {
return contact.unset('avatar');
failcb = function(stanza) {
return console.warn("couldn't get vcard", stanza);
bjid = contact.get('bjid');
if (bjid === Strophe.getBareJidFromJid(X.conn.jid)) {
bjid = null;
return X.conn.vcard.get(okcb, bjid, failcb);
getClientInfo = function(contact, node, ver) {
var clientId, failcb, jid, okcb;
jid = contact.get('jid');
if ((node != null) && (ver != null)) {
clientId = node + "#" + ver;
if (capscache[clientId] != null) {
return contact.set('features', capscache[clientId]);
okcb = function(stanza) {
var el, features;
features = (function() {
var i, len, ref, results;
ref = stanza.getElementsByTagName('feature');
results = [];
for (i = 0, len = ref.length; i < len; i++) {
el = ref[i];
return results;
contact.set('features', features);
if (clientId != null) {
return capscache[clientId] = features;
failcb = function(stanza) {
return console.warn("couldn't get client info", stanza);
return X.conn.disco.info(jid, clientId, okcb, failcb, 5000);
onPresence = function(stanza) {
var caps, contact, delay, from, node, priority, ref, show, stamp, status, type, ver;
type = (ref = stanza.getAttribute('type')) != null ? ref : 'available';
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
switch (type) {
case 'unsubscribe':
console.warn("not handling <presence type=\"" + type + "\">", stanza);
return true;
case 'subscribed':
return true;
case 'unsubscribed':
return true;
case 'error':
console.error('got <presence type="error">', stanza);
return true;
caps = stanza.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.CAPS, 'c')[0];
ver = caps != null ? caps.getAttribute('ver') : void 0;
node = caps != null ? caps.getAttribute('node') : void 0;
contact = getContact(from, node, ver);
show = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('show')[0]);
status = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('status')[0]);
priority = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('priority')[0]);
switch (type) {
case 'available':
if (show == null) {
show = 'online';
if (priority == null) {
priority = '0';
case 'unavailable':
show = 'offline';
priority = '0';
presence: type,
show: show,
status: status,
priority: priority
if (type === 'unavailable') {
if ((type === 'available' || type === 'unavailable') && contact.get('type') !== 'self') {
delay = stanza.getElementsByTagName('delay')[0];
stamp = delay != null ? new Date(delay.getAttribute('stamp')) : new Date();
id: stanza.getAttribute('id'),
type: 'presence',
cls: 'presence',
from: from,
stamp: stamp,
contact: contact,
presence: type,
show: show,
status: status,
priority: priority,
text: status != null ? status : "is now " + show
return true;
onProfileUpdate = function(stanza) {
var contact, from;
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
contact = getContact(from);
return true;
onChatMessage = function(stanza) {
var contact, delay, from, stamp, text, thread, type;
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
type = stanza.getAttribute('type');
text = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]);
thread = getText(stanza.getElementsByTagName('thread')[0]);
delay = stanza.getElementsByTagName('delay')[0];
stamp = delay != null ? new Date(delay.getAttribute('stamp')) : new Date();
contact = getContact(from);
if (text) {
id: stanza.getAttribute('id'),
type: type,
cls: type,
from: from,
stamp: stamp,
contact: contact,
thread: thread,
text: text
return true;
onChatState = function(stanza) {
var contact, elements, from;
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
contact = getContact(from);
elements = stanza.getElementsByTagNameNS(Strophe.NS.CHATSTATES, '*');
if (elements[0] != null) {
contact.set('chatstate', elements[0].tagName.toLowerCase());
return true;
onWebRTC = function(stanza) {
var contact, delay, from, intent, payload, stamp;
from = stanza.getAttribute('from');
contact = getContact(from);
intent = stanza.getElementsByTagName('intent')[0];
payload = stanza.getElementsByTagName('payload')[0];
delay = stanza.getElementsByTagName('delay')[0];
stamp = delay != null ? new Date(delay.getAttribute('stamp')) : new Date();
if (intent != null) {
switch (getText(intent)) {
case 'initiate':
contact.set('callstate', 'incoming');
id: stanza.getAttribute('id'),
type: 'call',
cls: 'call',
from: from,
stamp: stamp,
contact: contact,
text: 'incoming call'
case 'terminate':
if (payload != null) {
return true;
window.X = new Tram.XMPPInterface();
X.on('connecting', function() {
return connData.unset('auth-errors');
X.on('authfail', function() {
return connData.set('auth-errors', ['Invalid username or password.']);
X.on('disconnected', function() {
return onDisconnected();
X.on('connected attached', function() {
return onConnected();
X.on('status', function(status) {
switch (status) {
case Strophe.Status.CONNECTING:
return clientState.set('progress', 0);
case Strophe.Status.CONNECTED:
return clientState.set('progress', 100);
return clientState.unset('progress');
$(window).on('beforeunload unload', function() {
return X.disconnect('Window closed');
ConnectionData = (function(superClass) {
extend(ConnectionData, superClass);
function ConnectionData() {
return ConnectionData.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
ConnectionData.prototype.defaults = {
username: '',
password: ''
ConnectionData.prototype.validate = function(attrs, options) {
var ref, ref1;
if (((ref = attrs.username) != null ? ref : '').trim() === '') {
this.set('username-errors', ['This field is required.']);
if (((ref1 = attrs.password) != null ? ref1 : '') === '') {
this.set('password-errors', ['This field is required.']);
return this.has('username-errors') || this.has('password-errors');
return ConnectionData;
window.connData = new ConnectionData();
connectfn = function() {
if (connData.isValid()) {
return X.connect(connData.get('username').trim(), connData.get('password'));
$form = $('[data-form="connect"]');
window.connRivet = rivets.bind($form.get(0), {
data: connData,
connect: connectfn
$form.find('input').on('keydown', function(e) {
var $next, index;
if ((!this.required || this.value !== '') && e.keyCode === 13) {
index = $form.find('input').index(this);
$next = $form.find('input').eq(index + 1);
if ($next.length !== 0) {
return $next.focus();
} else {
return $form.find('button').trigger('click');
sendMessage = function() {
var contact, text;
text = $('#msg').val();
if (text !== '' && clientState.has('contact')) {
contact = clientState.get('contact');
to: contact.get('jid'),
from: X.conn.jid,
type: 'chat'
type: 'chat',
cls: 'self',
from: X.conn.jid,
to: contact.get('jid'),
stamp: new Date(),
contact: contacts.findWhere({
type: 'self'
text: text
return $('#msg').val('');
$('[data-send-button]').on('click', sendMessage);
$('#msg').on('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
return sendMessage();
$('[data-add-button]').on('click', function() {
var jid;
jid = $('#new-contact').val().trim();
if (jid === '') {
if (indexOf.call(jid, '@') < 0) {
jid = jid + "@" + Tram.config.domain;
return X.conn.roster.add(jid, null, [], function() {
return X.conn.roster.subscribe(jid, 'I want to chat', null);
$('#new-contact').on('keypress', function(e) {
if (e.keyCode === 13) {
return $('[data-add-button]').trigger('click');
$('[data-unregister-button]').on('click', function() {
return X.unregister();
window.setInterval(function() {
return $('time[datetime]').each(function() {
var $this;
$this = $(this);
return $this.text(moment($this.attr('datetime')).fromNow());
}, 15 * 1000);
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map