Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>, Thu, 07 Apr 2016 22:56:16 +0800
index: check if roster has the item before removing it Sometimes we get events from contacts that are not in user's roster, trying to remove such contacts used to fail before this patch.

next change 211:4b03f725cb69
previous change 5:4213233fc119


Permissions: -rw-r--r--

Other formats: Feeds:
- name: Install packages
apt: pkg={{ item }} state=present
- openssl
- ssl-cert
- name: Make sure {{ path }} exists
file: path='{{ path }}' state=directory owner=root group=ssl-cert mode=0710
- name: Make sure domain directories exist
file: path='{{ path }}/{{ item }}' state=directory owner=root group=ssl-cert mode=0710
with_items: '{{ selfsigned }}'
- name: Generate private keys
command: >
openssl genrsa
-out '{{ path }}/{{ item }}/clean.key'
creates: '{{ path }}/{{ item }}/clean.key'
with_items: '{{ selfsigned }}'
- name: Set permissions for private keys
file: path='{{ path }}/{{ item }}/clean.key' state=file owner=root group=ssl-cert mode=0640
with_items: '{{ selfsigned }}'
- name: Generate self-signed certificates
command: >
openssl req
-subj '/CN={{ item }}'
-extensions v3_ca
-days 3650
-key '{{ path }}/{{ item }}/clean.key'
-out '{{ path }}/{{ item }}/selfsigned.pem'
creates: '{{ path }}/{{ item }}/selfsigned.pem'
with_items: '{{ selfsigned }}'
- name: Set permissions for self-signed certificates
file: path='{{ path }}/{{ item }}/selfsigned.pem' state=file owner=root group=ssl-cert mode=0640
with_items: '{{ selfsigned }}'