Anton Shestakov <engored@ya.ru>, Sun, 14 Sep 2014 22:33:16 +0900
More cheatable wisdom.

previous change 0:65366ba5ac77


Permissions: -rw-r--r--

Other formats: Feeds:
Column 1
`{` `}`
beginning of *previous*, *next* paragraph
`(` `)`
beginning of *previous*, *next* sentence
`0` `gm`
*beginning*, *middle* of line
`^` `$`
*first*, *last* character of line
`ngg` `nG` `:n`
line n, default the *first*, *last*
percentage n of the file
column n of current line
match of next brace, bracket, comment, #define
`nH` `nL`
line n from *start*, *bottom* of window
middle line of window
create fold of movement m
create fold for range r
`zd` `zE`
delete fold at cursor, all in window
`zo` `zc` `zO` `zC`
*open*, *close* one fold; *recursively*
`[z` `]z`
move to *start*, *end* of current open fold
`zj` `zk`
move *down*, *up* to *start*, *end* of next fold
`i` `a`
insert *before*, *after* cursor
`I` `A`
insert at *beginning*, *end* of line
insert text in first column
`o` `O`
open a new line *below*, *above* the current line
`cc` `S`
change current line
change to the end of line
`gum` `gUm`
*lowercase*, *uppercase* text of movement m
`yy` `Y`
yank current line into register
`p` `P`
put register *after*, *before* cursor position
`]p` `[p`
like `p`, `P` with indent adjusted
`gp` `gP`
like `p`, `P` leaving cursor after new text
Column 2
Ex Commands
`:wn` `:wN`
write file and edit *next*, *previous* one
`:n` `:N`
edit *next*, *previous* file in list
`:r f`
insert content of file f below cursor
`:r! c`
insert output of command c below cursor
`^Ws` `:split`
split window in two
`^Wv` `:vsplit`
vsplit window in two
`^Wn` `:new`
create new empty window
`^Wo` `:on`
make current window one on screen
`^Wj` `^Wk`
move to window *below*, *above*
`^Ww` `^W^W`
move to window *below*, *above* (wrap)
close current window
lookup keyword under cursor with man
start make, read errors and jump to first
`:cn` `:cp`
display the *next*, *previous* error
`:cl` `:cf`
list all errors, read errors from file
`^L` `^G`
redraw screen, show filename and position
show cursor column, line, and character position
show ASCII value of character under cursor
open file which filename is under cursor
Insert Mode
`^N` `^P`
complete text *before*, *after* cursor
complete filename
complete line
extend completion
`^D` `^T`
shift *left*, *right* one shift width
Column 3
VIM Regex
``.`` and eol
0 or more
1 or more
0 or 1
from n to m
exactly n
at least n
at most m
non-greedy ``*``
non-greedy ``\{n,m}``
non-greedy ``\{n,}``
non-greedy ``\{,m}``
very magic
Formatting %
.. %, mapping, conversion, min width, precision, length, type
``%[(<name>)]`` *|* ``[#0- +][<min width 0-9*>][.<0-9*>][<length>]dioxXeEfFgGcrs``
the value conversion will use the “alternate form” (where defined below)
the conversion will be zero padded for numeric values
the converted value is left adjusted (overrides the '0' conversion if both
are given)
(a space) a blank should be left before a positive number (or empty string)
produced by a signed conversion
a sign character ('+' or '-') will precede the conversion (overrides a
“space” flag)
``d`` ``i``
signed integer decimal
signed octal value
``x`` ``X``
signed hexadecimal *lowercase*, *uppercase*
``e`` ``E``
floating point exponential format *lowercase*, *uppercase*
``f`` ``F``
floating point decimal format
``g`` ``G``
floating point format. Uses *lowercase*, *uppercase* exponential format if
exponent is less than -4 or not less than precision, decimal format
single character (accepts integer or single character string)
string (converts any Python object using repr())
string (converts any Python object using str())
re Extensions
.. raw:: html
<div style="max-width: 600px;">
the group matches the empty string; the letters set the corresponding flags
a non-capturing version of regular parentheses
the substring matched by the group is accessible via the symbolic group
matches whatever text was matched by the earlier named group named
the contents of the parentheses are simply ignored
lookahead assertion: matches next, but doesn't consume any of the string
negative lookahead assertion
lookbehind assertion: matches a preceding string
negative lookbehind assertion, patterns which start with it may match at
the beginning of the string being searched
.. break the list
sorcery. ``(<)?(\w+@\w+(?:\.\w+)+)(?(1)>)``
.. raw:: html