Anton Shestakov <>, Sun, 12 Apr 2020 23:53:10 +0800
checker: set C.UTF-8 in too
It's also set in dockerfiles/ubuntu-bionic, so it makes sense to do the same.
Permissions: -rw-r--r--
from datetime import datetime from xml.etree import ElementTree from pytest import raises from tornado.escape import json_encode from tornado.testing import AsyncHTTPTestCase from tornado.web import HTTPError from candolint.handlers import get_project_or_404 from candolint.models import database, Project, Change, Check from viewer import CandolintViewer 'atom': '', 'svg': '' with database.transaction(): project = Project.create( url='', node='92cfceb39d57d914ed8b14d0e37643de0797ae56', date='2016-07-19 22:23 +0800', message='component: do a thing', ordinal=Check.get_next_ordinal(project), started=datetime.fromtimestamp(0), finished=datetime.fromtimestamp(0), 'text': '# C&O job started: 2016-08-20T02:38:06+00:00', 'text': '# C&O task: setup', 'text': '$ ../venv2/bin/flake8 --version', 'text': '# C&O task: checks', 'text': ' E501 line too long (82 > 79 characters)', 'text': '# C&O job finished: 2016-08-20T02:38:53+00:00', ordinal=Check.get_next_ordinal(project), lines=json_encode(lines), started=datetime(2016, 8, 20, 2, 38, 6), finished=datetime(2016, 8, 20, 2, 38, 53), def test_get_project_or_404(): with raises(HTTPError) as error: get_project_or_404('', 'cyber', 'wizard-attack') assert error.value.status_code == 404 project = get_project_or_404('', 'alice', 'test-viewer') assert is not None assert project.url == '' class ViewerTestCase(AsyncHTTPTestCase): response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 200 assert 'online linter' in response.body assert 'test-viewer' in response.body assert '1 error' in response.body assert '1 warning' in response.body assert '<a href="#">default</a>' in response.body assert '2016-08-20T02:38:53Z' in response.body response = self.fetch('/nobodyhere') assert response.code == 404 assert 'online linter' in response.body response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 404 assert 'online linter' in response.body response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 200 assert 'Clone URL' in response.body assert 'status.svg' in response.body assert '.. image:: http' in response.body assert '1 error' in response.body assert '1 warning' in response.body assert '<a href="#">default</a>' in response.body assert ('<link rel="alternate"' ' href="/"' ' type="application/atom+xml"' ' title="test-viewer feed">') in response.body response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 200 assert 'atom+xml' in response.headers['Content-Type'] root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.body) assert root.tag == '{%s}%s' % (XMLNS['atom'], 'feed') title = root.find('./atom:entry/atom:title', XMLNS) assert title.text.startswith('Check #') assert title.text.endswith(' 1 error, 1 warning') updates = [el.text for el in root.findall('.//atom:updated', XMLNS)] assert len(updates) == min(, 20) + 1 assert updates[0] == updates[1] == '2016-08-20T02:38:53Z' response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 404 assert 'online linter' in response.body response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 200 assert '1 error' in response.body assert '1 warning' in response.body assert '<a href="#">default</a>' in response.body assert '<a href="#" class="filelink"></a>' in response.body assert ('<time datetime="2016-08-20T02:38:53Z"' ' title="2016-08-20 02:38:53 UTC">' '2016-08-20 02:38:53 UTC</time>') in response.body assert ('<time datetime="2016-07-19T22:23+0800"' ' title="2016-07-19 22:23 +0800">' '2016-07-19 22:23 +0800</time>') in response.body assert 'id="check-files-data"' in response.body assert 'id="check-codes-data"' in response.body assert '"filename": ""' in response.body assert '"code": "E501"' in response.body response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 200 assert response.headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/plain; charset=utf-8' assert '' in response.body base_url = '/' response = self.fetch(base_url + '/compare/latest') assert response.code == 200 assert 'same commit' in response.body assert 'Diff is empty' in response.body response = self.fetch(base_url + '/compare/1') assert response.code == 200 assert 'same commit' in response.body assert 'E501' in response.body response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 404 assert 'online linter' in response.body response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 200 root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.body) assert root.tag == '{%s}%s' % (XMLNS['svg'], 'svg') assert root.attrib.get('height') == '20' text = [el.text for el in root.findall('./svg:g/svg:text', XMLNS)] assert text[::2] == ['lint', '1 error', '1 warning'] response = self.fetch('/') assert response.code == 200 root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.body) assert root.tag == '{%s}%s' % (XMLNS['svg'], 'svg') assert root.attrib.get('height') == '12' circles = root.findall('./svg:circle', XMLNS) assert circles[0].attrib.get('fill').startswith('#')