Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>, Mon, 11 Apr 2016 14:20:18 +0800
css: remove some styles for xhtml messages that come from uikit (<p> and <em>)

next change 232:0fe8137e0f76
previous change 119:206de4ff7a6c


Permissions: -rw-r--r--

Other formats: Feeds:
class window.Tram.ProgressApp extends Backbone.View
initialize: ->
@listenTo(@model, 'change:progress', @updateProgress)
getStyle: (progress) =>
"width: #{ progress ? 0 }%;"
updateProgress: ->
switch @model.get('progress')
when 0
setTimeout =>
if @model.get('progress') is 0
@model.set('progress', 10)
, 600
when 100
setTimeout =>
if @model.get('progress') is 100
, 600
render: ->
@rivet = rivets.bind(@el, model: @model, view: this)
remove: ->