Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>, Wed, 01 Nov 2017 00:50:57 +0800
Makefile: use file targets more, results in incremental building Less work to do when only some files get changed, but more work when building from scratch. But, multiple compilers can run in parallel.

previous change 232:0fe8137e0f76


Permissions: -rw-r--r--

Other formats: Feeds:
rivets.adapters[':'] =
observe: (obj, keypath, callback) ->
obj.on('change:' + keypath, callback)
unobserve: (obj, keypath, callback) ->
obj.off('change:' + keypath, callback)
get: (obj, keypath) ->
set: (obj, keypath, value) ->
obj.set(keypath, value)
rivets.binders['style-*'] = (el, value) ->
el.style[@args[0]] = value ? ''
rivets.formatters['first-letter'] = (value) ->
value?.charAt?(0) ? ' '
rivets.formatters['dumb-hash'] = (value) ->
result = 0
if value?.length
for i in [0...value.length]
result += value.charCodeAt(i)
return result
rivets.formatters['fn'] = (value, fn) ->
return fn(value)
rivets.formatters['only'] = (value, allowed...) ->
if value in allowed then value else ''
rivets.formatters['eq'] = (a, b) ->
a is b
rivets.formatters['has'] = (a, b) ->
a? and b in a
rivets.formatters['format-date'] = (value, format) ->
if value? then value.format(format) else ''
rivets.formatters['iso-date'] = (value) ->
if value? then value.toISOString() else ''
rivets.formatters['from-now'] = (value) ->
if value? then value.fromNow() else ''
rivets.formatters['percent'] = (value) ->
"#{ value ? 0 }%"