Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>, Wed, 01 Nov 2017 00:50:57 +0800
Makefile: use file targets more, results in incremental building Less work to do when only some files get changed, but more work when building from scratch. But, multiple compilers can run in parallel.

next change 308:bb6186df3db5
previous change 178:226f648724e2


Permissions: -rw-r--r--

Other formats: Feeds:
class Tram.XMPPInterface
conn: null
constructor: ->
_prepareConnection: ->
if @conn?
console.debug('connection exists, not reconnecting')
@conn = new Strophe.Connection("https://#{ Tram.config.host }/http-bind")
connect: (node, pass) ->
jid = "#{ node }@#{ Tram.config.domain }"
@conn.connect(jid, pass, @onConnect)
disconnect: (reason) ->
if not @conn?
@conn = null
startRegistration: ->
@conn.register.connect(Tram.config.domain, @onConnect)
register: (username, password) ->
@conn.register.fields.username = username
@conn.register.fields.password = password
finishRegistration: ->
unregister: ->
iq = $iq(type: 'set').c('query', xmlns: Strophe.NS.REGISTER).c('remove')
savevCard: (data, okcb, failcb) ->
$vcard = $iq(type: 'set').c('vCard', xmlns: Strophe.NS.VCARD)
if data.nickname
if data.fullname
if data.avatar
b = ';base64,'
d = 'data:'
dl = d.length
bl = b.length
bi = data.avatar.indexOf(b)
type = data.avatar.substr(dl, bi - dl)
binval = data.avatar.substr(bi + bl)
@conn.sendIQ($vcard.tree(), okcb, failcb)
onConnect: (status, error) =>
switch status
when Strophe.Status.CONNECTING
console.debug('Strophe is connecting.')
when Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING
console.debug('Strophe is authenticating.')
when Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL
console.debug('Strophe failed to authenticate:', error)
when Strophe.Status.ERROR
console.debug('Strophe received an error:', error)
when Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL
console.debug('Strophe failed to connect:', error)
when Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING
console.debug('Strophe is disconnecting.')
when Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED
console.debug('Strophe is disconnected.')
when Strophe.Status.CONNECTED
console.debug('Strophe is connected.')
console.info('My jid:', @conn.jid)
when Strophe.Status.ATTACHED
console.debug('Strophe is attached.')
console.info('My jid:', @conn.jid)
when Strophe.Status.REGISTER
console.debug('Got registration prompt.')
when Strophe.Status.REGISTERED
when Strophe.Status.CONFLICT
console.debug('Contact already exists!')
when Strophe.Status.NOTACCEPTABLE
console.debug('Registration form not properly filled out.')
when Strophe.Status.REGIFAIL
console.debug('The server does not support In-Band Registration.')
@trigger('status', status)
generateVerificationString: ->
ver = ''
ids = (i for i in @conn.disco._identities)
ids.sort (a, b) ->
if a.category > b.category
return 1
if a.category < b.category
return -1
if a.type > b.type
return 1
if a.type < b.type
return -1
if a.lang > b.lang
return 1
if a.lang < b.lang
return -1
return 0
features = (f for f in @conn.disco._features)
for id in ids
ver += "#{ id.category }/#{ id.type }/#{ id.lang ? '' }/#{ id.name }<"
for f in features
ver += "#{ f }<"
return b64_sha1(ver)
sendPresence: (attrs) ->
ver = @generateVerificationString()
pres = $pres().c('c', xmlns: Strophe.NS.CAPS, hash: 'sha-1', node: Tram.info.url, ver: ver).up()
if attrs.priority?
if attrs.show?
if attrs.status?