Anton Shestakov <av6@dwimlabs.net>, Mon, 02 Jan 2017 01:46:02 +0800
index: make input fields below contact list and chat log look separate

next change 308:bb6186df3db5
previous change 178:226f648724e2


Permissions: -rw-r--r--

Other formats: Feeds:
class Tram.XMPPInterface
conn: null
constructor: ->
_prepareConnection: ->
if @conn?
console.debug('connection exists, not reconnecting')
@conn = new Strophe.Connection("https://#{ Tram.config.host }/http-bind")
connect: (node, pass) ->
jid = "#{ node }@#{ Tram.config.domain }"
@conn.connect(jid, pass, @onConnect)
disconnect: (reason) ->
if not @conn?
@conn = null
startRegistration: ->
@conn.register.connect(Tram.config.domain, @onConnect)
register: (username, password) ->
@conn.register.fields.username = username
@conn.register.fields.password = password
finishRegistration: ->
unregister: ->
iq = $iq(type: 'set').c('query', xmlns: Strophe.NS.REGISTER).c('remove')
savevCard: (data, okcb, failcb) ->
$vcard = $iq(type: 'set').c('vCard', xmlns: Strophe.NS.VCARD)
if data.nickname
if data.fullname
if data.avatar
b = ';base64,'
d = 'data:'
dl = d.length
bl = b.length
bi = data.avatar.indexOf(b)
type = data.avatar.substr(dl, bi - dl)
binval = data.avatar.substr(bi + bl)
@conn.sendIQ($vcard.tree(), okcb, failcb)
onConnect: (status, error) =>
switch status
when Strophe.Status.CONNECTING
console.debug('Strophe is connecting.')
when Strophe.Status.AUTHENTICATING
console.debug('Strophe is authenticating.')
when Strophe.Status.AUTHFAIL
console.debug('Strophe failed to authenticate:', error)
when Strophe.Status.ERROR
console.debug('Strophe received an error:', error)
when Strophe.Status.CONNFAIL
console.debug('Strophe failed to connect:', error)
when Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTING
console.debug('Strophe is disconnecting.')
when Strophe.Status.DISCONNECTED
console.debug('Strophe is disconnected.')
when Strophe.Status.CONNECTED
console.debug('Strophe is connected.')
console.info('My jid:', @conn.jid)
when Strophe.Status.ATTACHED
console.debug('Strophe is attached.')
console.info('My jid:', @conn.jid)
when Strophe.Status.REGISTER
console.debug('Got registration prompt.')
when Strophe.Status.REGISTERED
when Strophe.Status.CONFLICT
console.debug('Contact already exists!')
when Strophe.Status.NOTACCEPTABLE
console.debug('Registration form not properly filled out.')
when Strophe.Status.REGIFAIL
console.debug('The server does not support In-Band Registration.')
@trigger('status', status)
generateVerificationString: ->
ver = ''
ids = (i for i in @conn.disco._identities)
ids.sort (a, b) ->
if a.category > b.category
return 1
if a.category < b.category
return -1
if a.type > b.type
return 1
if a.type < b.type
return -1
if a.lang > b.lang
return 1
if a.lang < b.lang
return -1
return 0
features = (f for f in @conn.disco._features)
for id in ids
ver += "#{ id.category }/#{ id.type }/#{ id.lang ? '' }/#{ id.name }<"
for f in features
ver += "#{ f }<"
return b64_sha1(ver)
sendPresence: (attrs) ->
ver = @generateVerificationString()
pres = $pres().c('c', xmlns: Strophe.NS.CAPS, hash: 'sha-1', node: Tram.info.url, ver: ver).up()
if attrs.priority?
if attrs.show?
if attrs.status?