
Other formats: JSON Feeds:
2016-04-02 Anton Shestakov sidebar: new ui element file | diff | annotate
2016-04-02 Anton Shestakov index: add a sidebar for controls (so far it's just the disconnect button) file | diff | annotate
2016-04-01 Anton Shestakov messages: stamp every message with its own time file | diff | annotate
2016-03-29 Anton Shestakov index: support ping (XEP-0199) file | diff | annotate
2016-03-29 Anton Shestakov index: support disco requests file | diff | annotate
2016-03-28 Anton Shestakov index: adjust responsive column width (contact list and message log) file | diff | annotate
2016-03-28 Anton Shestakov index: use interpolation instead of rv-text, split long lines file | diff | annotate
2016-03-28 Anton Shestakov webrtc: add glue code, contact controls, styles file | diff | annotate
2016-03-28 Anton Shestakov webrtc: add Tram.WebRTCInterface, it will be glued to the rest of code later file | diff | annotate
2016-03-28 Anton Shestakov index: add webrtc-adapter.js, yet unused file | diff | annotate
2016-03-27 Anton Shestakov calls: new ui element, yet unused file | diff | annotate
2016-03-27 Anton Shestakov contacts: dropdown with a remove button file | diff | annotate
2016-03-27 Anton Shestakov contacts: show authorize/unauthorize buttons for new contacts file | diff | annotate
2016-03-27 Anton Shestakov index: only show login form after rivets init file | diff | annotate
2016-03-27 Anton Shestakov contacts: input+button for adding contacts to roster file | diff | annotate
2016-03-27 Anton Shestakov onConnected: get roster after connect file | diff | annotate
2016-03-27 Anton Shestakov css: improve contact list borders (between contacts and on the right) file | diff | annotate
2016-03-27 Anton Shestakov index: redo form validation using rivets file | diff | annotate
2016-03-25 Anton Shestakov contacts: use rivets more, don't spread model attributes file | diff | annotate
2016-03-24 Anton Shestakov index: background color depends on bare jid since 96aec8cf1ae9 file | diff | annotate
2016-03-24 Anton Shestakov favicon: new ui element to display status (and incoming events in the future) file | diff | annotate
2016-03-24 Anton Shestakov contacts: don't use 'presence' to determine pip color, use 'show' file | diff | annotate
2016-03-21 Anton Shestakov contacts: add avatars and fallback option (background color from hashed jid) file | diff | annotate
2016-03-21 Anton Shestakov index: send presence on connect, handle incoming presences, show contacts file | diff | annotate
2016-03-21 Anton Shestakov contacts: new ui element, contact list file | diff | annotate
2016-03-21 Anton Shestakov index: get version info from server on connect, show it in a message log file | diff | annotate
2016-03-21 Anton Shestakov messages: new ui element and related things file | diff | annotate
2016-03-21 Anton Shestakov index: disconnect button file | diff | annotate
2016-03-21 Anton Shestakov index: wire up login form file | diff | annotate
2016-03-18 Anton Shestakov html: add index and register with basic styles file | diff | annotate