Anton Shestakov <>, Tue, 25 Feb 2014 23:16:04 +0900
Add copycat bot. It copies the winning hand all the time.
Permissions: -rw-r--r--
lobby/0, counter/0, printer/0, room/1, -define(RULES, [rock, paper, scissors]). -define(BOTS, [fool, copycat, fool]). % winner for 3 players is: % rock, rock, rock -> undefined % rock, paper, scissors -> undefined % rock, paper, paper -> undefined % rock, rock, paper -> {paper, Who} winner(Choices) when length(Choices) > 1 -> CSet = sets:from_list([C || {C, _} <- Choices]), RSet = sets:from_list(?RULES), Absents = sets:subtract(RSet, CSet), case sets:size(Absents) of Absent = hd(sets:to_list(Absents)), Unbeaten = beats(Absent), Winners = [{C, Who} || {C, Who} <- Choices, C =:= Unbeaten], register(lobby, spawn(rps, lobby, [])), register(counter, spawn(rps, counter, [])), register(printer, spawn(rps, printer, [])), [spawn(rps, Bot, []) || Bot <- ?BOTS]. lobby(Players) when length(Players) =:= length(?BOTS) -> Room = spawn(rps, room, [Players]), lists:foreach(fun(Player) -> Player ! {room, Room} end, Players), counter(0, 0, dict:new()). counter(Plays, Draws, Wins) -> counter(Plays + 1, Draws + 1, Wins); counter(Plays + 1, Draws, dict:update_counter(Winner, 1, Wins)); Pid ! {stats, {plays, Plays, draws, Draws, wins, dict:to_list(Wins)}}, counter(Plays, Draws, Wins) io:format("Stats: ~w.~n", [Stats]) counter ! {sendstats, self()} lists:foreach(fun(Player) -> Player ! start end, Players), room(Players, Choices) when length(Players) =:= length(Choices) -> Winner = winner(Choices), lists:foreach(fun(Player) -> Player ! Msg end, Players), room(Players, Choices) -> ObjectIsOk = lists:any(fun(X) -> X =:= Object end, ?RULES), ChoiceMade = lists:any(fun({_, Player}) -> Player =:= Who end, Choices), case ObjectIsOk andalso not ChoiceMade of room(Players, [{Object, Who}|Choices]); io:format("~w picks ~w, not allowed.~n", [Who, Object]), Choice = lists:nth(random:uniform(length(?RULES)), ?RULES), copycat(Room, hd(?RULES)) {winner, {NewChoice, _}} ->